This is going to be first time for my SSB and I hope the last because of the detailed preparation guide ,I got from the Col Rabi Sir . He is a great explainer of things and I believe the way he teaches is phenomenal and unique one. He has tactics for every aspect of SSB, but he makes it to next level , when he introduce you to GTO. Believe me , you are never going to get the same experience in ground as he had done with a piece of VIRTUAL technology which helped us train even during the pandemic time. Hoping ,that he will keep doing this work and make more Officers.

Well, before joining this Synergic Minds SSB coaching I don’t know too much about this psychology & GTO tasks , but after attending all session of Psycho & GTO now I know the depth of all task how to perform different from others, where to use mind systematically , where u have to give full efforts where not, Now I’m confident to do all task and get succeed in interview. Thanks A Lot Col Mukerjee Sir, for giving us very deep teaching briefing.